
Ladies Shoe Types - A Guide To Shoe Shopping Wholesale

People say that diamonds are a girl's best friend. But are they really? It seems that nowadays, many women can swear that shoes are their real guilty pleasures. Ask just about any woman you know and surely, Wholesale Stones Watches they will agree that a Tonneau Watches great pair of shoes are the best fashion accessories that one can have.

If you are on a quest to finding the perfect pair of shoes for yourself, then kudos to you. This is indeed the perfect time to update your wardrobe and at the same time transform yourself into a high fashion diva. But if you are a newbie shoe enthusiast, then the first thing that you need learn are the types of ladies shoes. Here is a list of the different styles of shoes that will help you with your new found indulgence:

The flats versus the heels

Shoes have two major types: flats and heels. While both of them may look very elegant on your Rubber Watches feet, they have very distinct differences. Flats, as the name implies, are shoes that have no heels. They fit snuggly on the feet without any elevation and strain. Many believe that flats are the most comfortable shoes as they do not cause any muscle strains. It keeps the feet very relaxed and the tendons are not pulled when walking.

Heels, on the other hand, are shoe types that have elevators beneath the heel part of the feet. Tonneau Watches These kinds Tonneau Watches of shoes are known to be very sexy as it adds height for the wearer. At the same time, heels keep the feet pointed making them look more elegant and slim. However, wearing heels may take time to get used to. At first, one may feel muscle strains when wearing heels for extended periods of time, but once you get the hand of it, you will certainly enjoy wearing these sophisticated accessories.

Shoe types

From the two major types, ladies shoes are still divided into different categories. The first are the sandals. Perfect for wearing on a casual day or pairing with a nice cocktail dress, sandals can look very glamorous. This shoe type is characterized by having straps and are typically worn only during the warm seasons like in summer and spring.

Boots are shoes that are a staple during the winter season. Usually, these shoe types are characterized by a closed toe shoe which are often shin to knee high in length. They are intended to keep the feet warm as they are made from materials that insulate like sheepskin, leather, and suede.

Mules are just like slippers in a sense that they do not have any straps for back support. They are easy to wear as well. Such shoes can be close or open toed and can be worn with ease. They go well with any type of clothing as well.


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